How to Become a Real Student and Do Not Strike Out

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Drunk Sleeping Student

In the school, in one way or another, everyone dreams about a future student life that will be certainly full of adventures, laugh, jokes, and stories which will be retold later with a slight feeling of nostalgia. However, somewhere in the corners of our brain, and with the help of our parents, we do understand that a rainbow image created by American movie makers is not what it seems to be. That is why we decided to create a list of pieces of advice on how to become a real student considering all the facts of a cruel reality.

  • #1. Drink Intelligently

    It will be an outrageous lie to say that you should avoid load companies and going on a binge as far as this is a part of a student environment. And you should go through this one circle of hell with your head held high. Exactly in this life period you become aware of the abilities of your body and thus your own norm. The main rules to remember are:

    • do not drink alone in your room, at least engage your neighbors in your hedonistic pastime;
    • do not begin a party in a working day – remember that the chance to attend classes tomorrow early morning is decreased with every bottle of beer;
    • do not be a bluestocking or a boring nerd who avoid all life enjoyments. yet, no one died because of one glass of wine.
  • #2. Try to Attend Lectures

    On all websites and blogs dedicated to education and different studying issues the main advice was and will be sound like “study hard.” However, this way of conduct is not always effective if we look at it from a global point of view. Not in vain our parent preach us that “university is a life school.” And it is really true if really apprehend it as life in a full sense of the word. And as you know, life is the place where those who have knowledge or money are not always sitting pretty. In a real world, such your soft skills as flexibility, patience, and resourcefulness are more appreciated.

    Of course, it does not mean to skip all lectures, leave a university, and set up your own start-up. No. It means that you have to learn those things that will really help you succeed in future as well as those with the help of which you will be able to pass exams.

    I do remember those crammers on my course learning what is needed and not, attending the most boring lectures but having no idea about communication and having a narrow outlook. Well, after some time has passed, I could not say that they work on a better job or have more privileges in this life – they are just the same geeks without relations.

  • #3. At least Try to Lead an Active Lifestyle

    Student on the Meeting

    I know how it sounds “Oh, my gosh, one more proactive person!” Well, in defense of my personality, I would not say that I am super proactive. I do not get up at 6 am for jogging, I do not eat healthy food every day, moreover, I am absolutely indifferent to the political life (if to be compared with some personalities agitating so load that you are rather to agree with them just to stop their profuse talks).

    Still, while being a student, I tried different spheres of social life: radio talk-show presenter, president of a certain organization, playing in a local music band. And you know what? It was fabulous. Almost every person needs to realize that what he/she is doing is valued somehow. It cherishes our self-esteem and boosts our desire to strive further.

    Moreover, you can get a new experience in a certain field and decide whether it is your hobby or it can become even your future profession. Furthermore, it broadens your awareness of different types of people that surround us. As far as usually, we communicate only with those who are suitable for us and try to avoid “different ” people. Being engaged in a part of a social organization will make you speak to these “different” – want you this or not.

  • #4. Get Used to Quickly Change the Mood

    Singing Students in Academic Caps

    In order to become a real student, you need to develop patience for constant hunger! A real student cannot be satisfied all the time. You need to develop a sense of do-nothingism, since otherwise it is really hard.

    • You need to learn how to put everything off for the last day – because it is so much more convenient!
    • You need to have the skills of cunning, sleight of hand;
    • have good hearing and sight;
    • not necessarily a strong intellect.

    It is necessary to get used to quickly change the mood: turn your whining and fear into unlimited happiness and a sense of freedom. You need to be able to laugh at yourself – otherwise you can go crazy. It is even better to go to a cafe or for a walk with your groupmates because a good relationship is a key to success! "

    For those who have not yet become a real student or just about to become one, we recall the first lines of the anthem of all students:

    “Gaudeamus igitur,

    Juvenes dum sumus!”

    Remember who is a real student and what is his/her primary responsibility. Have fun and drink, but every morning remember another verse of the same hymn:

    “Vivat Academia!

    Vivant professores!”

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